If you like React Native & Vue, you will like Weex
I searched Twitter and Weex does not seem to be popular. Well, Weex has got 8.8k stars, that’s 1/5 the amount of React Native. This is how Weex called itself:
A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
I listened to a speech 2 weeks ago and it was said the name “Weex” came from the situation that they were asked to provide a demo of such technology in some weeks, so they picked “Weeks”, and finally “Weex”.
I’m about to digging into it these days. But it seems it’s didn’t get any attention in the English community, while in China, it’s huge enough. Tecent is developing its own React Native clone for WeChat, which only gets a Chinese name yet. Alibaba is developing Weex to replace WebViews for better performances, even than React Native. That’s huge for developers in China.
The team developed Weex was active members of Chinese Vue community. I guess that’s the reason they chose Vue as the syntax. A lot of people love Vue, I mean, a lot of Chinese developers and not only front-end developers. So we really have a lot of people interested in Weex.
I found a piece of tutorial written by a Weex team member on Medium, that’s nice:
You can checkout the official docs. Trust me, it’s written in English this time ;)